

My camera: the ZENIT QUARZ SUPER 8 
Yesterday I made a super 8 film.
I had half a day free as my son had gone 
to the city with some friends to see the Leonardo
exhibition (disappointing by all accounts).
A few weeks ago I'd given a page of extracts
from poems (some of which I'd collected on this blog)
to a friend who's a musician. She said she'd circled
her favorites and  kept them in mind during a week at
the beach. Upon returning home she'd spent a few
hours one morning weaving them together into
a really beautiful piece of music which
she emailed to me earlier in the week.
I listened to it twice  and was quite overwhelmed.
How could I make anything that could equal this
(potential) soundtrack?
I had a coffee and went down to buy some film. 
When I was setting up a clip broke on the tripod 
and I had to go and buy gaffa tape to secure the leg. 
Half an hour lost. Next the globe in the light 
blew - another half an hour gone. The light meter
was playing up so I had to keep
remembering to add 2.5 (which I forgot
to do half the time).
I had trouble with turning the film and the camera
was making funny noises. When I got it to the nano lab
the developer told me that I hadn't shot half of it
(90 seconds). So I asked him to re-thread it
for me and went home to re-shoot it. He was doing a 
batch of B/W developing in the next half hour and 
our screening is next week. 
I was spending more time mucking around and driving 
than I was actually shooting and now I had a deadline.
By this time I had forgotten what I'd shot in the first
and second halves, so I improvised and I don't know 
what I've got.
It's been developed and I could have picked it up
today but I didn't. I've been wondering why. Maybe  
I'm pushing the anticipation factor. 
Maybe it will be completely unexposed, totally
dark or just rubbish. But maybe there'll be something I like
and something that works with the soundtrack.
I've been thinking about something that
students used to sometimes say to me when I taught drawing
a hundred years ago: 'It's not like how it was in my head'
Whatever is there when I get it onto the projector
I know one thing for sure: it will
be nothing like anything I had 'in my head' because 
I had nothing 'in my head'. There was no pre-planned
path through yesterday except the one I made as I went
and I can't wait to see what's there tomorrow.

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